Weeds and Desiccation of foliage
Often weeds grow faster than crops. Light, water and nutrients are rapidly consumed by these weeds and outcompete the crop. Development of herbicides is therefore essential. These herbicides need to be safe for the crop and other non-target organism. Effectivity and selectivity research of herbicides is therefor a must. Diverse doses, tank mixes, applicators and application techniques are tested. In addition, assessments are mad on the crop that is planted flowing application on a previous crop.
The seeds of weeds are sown by hand in trails to ensure optimal density, the correct species and an even distribution in the trail. This results in a high success rates of herbicide trails.
Desiccation of foliage
Desiccation of foliage is essential for a good and high quality potato. By killing the aboveground biomass, the potato tuber stops growing. The outer layer of the tuber becomes corklike and is less prone to damage. Harvest of the tuber becomes easier and virus infections become less likely. Diverse desiccants and technics are available that require extensive research. Effectivity and crop safety are important research aspects that are investigated.