Botany and Exploras
By the first of January 2023, current director Peter Korsten will be handing over the directorship of Botany and Exploras to his successor Maarten Vliex.
In recent years, the Botany Group has grown significantly. The group currently consists of seven different companies, each with its own specialization and managing director. Until recently, Peter Korsten, in addition to being the group managing director of Botany Group, was also managing director of companies Botany and Exploras. This will change on the first of January 2023. On this date he will transfer the directorship to Maarten Vliex.
Developments Botany Group
The Botany Group is a research group for the professional agricultural sector with specializations in the areas of covered cultivation (Botany), open cultivation (Exploras), vertical cultivation (Brightbox), automated insect detection (PhenoVerius), hard and stone fruit (Asperico), medicinal cultivation (Innexo) and seed technology (Innoveins Seed Solutions). With the expansion of the group, the (knowledge) network has expanded considerably in recent years. In addition, with the construction of the new greenhouse in Meterik, a professionalization effort has been made. “These modern research facilities offer new opportunities for the future. Moreover, it allows us to respond even better to current customer demand. We are ready for the next step” according to Peter Korsten.
Existing face, new position
After 19 years it is now time for Peter Korsten to hand over the directorship of the companies Botany and Exploras to his successor: Maarten Vliex. The two gentlemen have worked intensively together for the past four years, with Maarten gradually taking over the daily tasks within Botany and Exploras from Peter. "We have now reached a point where I can completely let go of my duties. I have great confidence in Maarten and the direction we have taken with the company in recent years. I am sure that Maarten, together with the new management, all employees and our relations will have a bright future," stated by Peter Korsten.
Future plans Botany and Exploras
In the next few years Peter Korsten will remain involved as CEO of the Botany Group, taking an overarching approach to market developments and a long-term vision for the group. Maarten will focus on the developments and operations of Botany and Exploras. "In the future, we want to focus as a company even more on the demand of tomorrow, because a view of the future is crucial for agriculture and horticulture. We want to be at the forefront of that. In addition, we must continue to move with developments and market demand. We achieve this by offering customization and flexibility. We will have to challenge ourselves and specialize in order to continue to inspire as a knowledge and development partner," says Maarten Vliex.